What To Look For In A Therapist
It can be hard to know what to look for in a therapist or how to know if a therapist is a good fit. Moreover, whereas many people read reviews of various products or services as a way to help inform decision-making, it is somewhat rare to find reviews of a therapy provider due to confidentiality. Here is the abbreviated guidance that I provide to clients as well as friends and family in regards to what to look for in a therapist.
Emotional Comfort and Trust: Most importantly, you want to find a therapist that you feel emotionally comfortable with as much as is possible. Of course, depending on your personality, it may take you shorter or longer to feel comfortable with anyone that you do not already know.
Deep Understanding: Next, you want to find someone that you believe really understands you. When the therapist offers a reflection of what the therapist believes is going on in your life, it should feel like it matches your inner experience. Similarly, you should have a sense that your therapist is tracking with and following your emotions.
Believing in the Therapist: Lastly, you want to find a therapist that you believe can genuinely help you. Emotional comfort and being understood help facilitate this, but it is important you believe your therapist can add to your self-understanding, your self-knowledge, your emotional awareness, and your ability to change.
I also recommend allowing 3-4 sessions before making a decision. Sometimes, being in a new setting and first-session nerves can make it challenging to determine the quality of the therapeutic fit. While you may know almost immediately if a therapist is either a great fit or a poor fit, it often times takes some time to make a solid decision.