Chronic Pain

The MindBody Workbook Volume 2 Now Available

Living with chronic pain can feel all-consuming.

Chronic pain can take many forms. The most common type of chronic pain is chronic back pain. However, chronic pain can also look like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraines, Headaches, Fibromyalgia, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, or Sciatica.

No matter what the chronic pain looks like, it can be utterly awful and feel like a prison that can’t be escaped. Many people find that it is a daily distraction and can take up significant mental space.

My Approach

It is sometimes surprising to people that there is a substantial body of research demonstrating that psychotherapy is effective for the treatment of chronic pain. Moreover, there are many somatic (somatic means relating to the body) ailments that have either psychological origins or psychological contributing factors. For example, many people notice their back pain is worse under stress. My approach is based on the work of John Sarno, M.D., who coined the term “Tension Myositis Syndrome” abbreviated “TMS.” My approach involves trying to understand and work with the powerful emotions associated with the pain, and I have seen through my clinical work what a significant impact this can make, ranging from a reduction in pain to complete healing. If this sounds of interest but you are not yet ready to try therapy, I recommend reading The MindBody Prescription by John Sarno, M.D. It can also be helpful to consult with a medical doctor to confirm that a psychological approach to dealing with your pain is appropriate. I collaborate regularly with Dr. David Schechter, a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of chronic pain. Dr. Schechter is one of the kindest and most thoughtful doctors I have ever encountered, and I highly recommend him.

We can discuss your chronic pain and how pain has impacted your life further during a free phone consultation.

I also co-lead a TMS Healing Group every week with Dr. Schechter. If you are interested in joining the group, you can find out more information here.

Dr. Schechter and I have also created The MindBody Healing Journey, an online course for people with TMS/PPD. The course has over five hours of material and is great for those looking for a self-directed, comprehensive healing program or those looking to deepen their understanding of healing from chronic pain. You can find out more information here.

Dr. Schechter and I recently released The MindBody Workbook Volume 2, and you can find out more information about it here.