The MindBody Healing Journey
If you are experiencing back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, tension headaches, TMS, or other physical disorders that have become chronic, it is highly possible that psychological issues are contributing to or causing the pain. David Schechter, M.D. and I have created The MindBody Healing Journey online video course to help you heal. The course can be used alone or in combination with our Workbook The MindBody Workbook Volume 2.
Whether you have just begin your journey into understanding the true nature of chronic pain or whether you have been using a TMS approach for some time, this online course serves as a comprehensive guide. The reason we created this course is that both of us observed that as more people learn about TMS/PPD, and as more resources on the topic become available, it has also become increasingly confusing about what exactly to do in order to heal. The course is designed as a comprehensive and complete resource for your healing. Dr. Schechter and I have both healed from TMS, and I can genuinely say that the video course outlines everything you need to know to get out of chronic pain. If we do therapy together, the course will also give you a significant head start on core healing concepts.
There are 39 videos, 9 PDF's, and related bonus material. The video series is about five hours long. One of my favorite parts of the course is that we spend over 2 hours addressing the most frequently asked questions related to healing. The cost of the program is $199 and can be purchased here. Right now we are running a 50% off promotion with the code “JB50.”
Here is the abbreviated course curriculum:
Introductory information
Dr. Schechter’s healing journey
Simulated office visit to assess TMS
Stages of healing and developing your healing plan
My healing journey
Core psychological issues in healing from TMS
Addressing challenges and obstacles to healing
FAQ’s: it is TMS? Movement issues and exercise. Emotional troubleshooting. Daily healing routine. Resources. What to do after healing.